Saturday, August 11, 2012

A blog is born

I always said that once I got married or had babies that I would start a blog. It's a good thing I'm going in order. My motivating factor here is that a lot of my friends and family couldn't be at our wedding, so I wanted to share it with you the best way I can. Let me just start by saying our wedding day was the most perfect day! Everything went so smooth and I wasn't stressed out or rushed or even that exhausted. Thank you to all of our great family who were there to help make that happen! I guess one minor hiccup was that Weston was sick the week of our wedding so he doesn't quite look himself in the pictures. He really does have more color than that. :) We got sealed in the San Diego temple at 11 am on February 11th. Of course the sealing and blessings we receive are a beautiful thing. Weston and I didn't even cry until the end when we were hugging all of our close family that were there to attend. And then there was lots more hugging with those waiting outside.

Then there were lots of photos to be taken, with his family, with my family, with our families, with brothers, with sisters... you know the drill.

Then our sweet families went to help set up for the reception while we took some couple pictures.

...And took even more pictures at our venue for the reception. It was this gorgeous clubhouse in one of my sister's friend's neighborhoods. I always knew I had to find a good hookup so I didn't have to decorate a church gym. I didn't want to go to all that work, so this worked out perfectly. The most decorating we did was put centerpieces (also super simple) on the tables.

Our reception was SO MUCH FUN! The food was delicious, Weston had already created a playlist and set up the sound system, his sister was on the mic for announcements of cutting the cake, tossing the bouquet, etc. But if you ask Weston, he would probably say the highlight was a little surprise that his sisters Teagan and Brittan helped me put together. Teagan taught us a little dance routine that she made up and we danced for Weston. This may not sound like a big deal... unless you know me, and know that I. am. not. a. dancer. But Weston's family is all about music and dancing, so I know he was thrilled I did this with them. He even cried. How cute! He's a little softy. I've inserted the video below. And Weston's little brother Jaren (who is 6 and a hit with the ladies) was the center of attention as he was break dancing in the middle of a crowd. He was more popular than us! :) At the end of it all, our exit strategy was the perfect end to a perfect day. The wind blowing through that little corridor made the bubbles go everywhere. It felt like we were in a movie. Have I said enough how perfect this day was?!

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I've put all of our pictures in the slideshow for your viewing pleasure. I'm thinking my next post will be a tour of our little place because even my immediate family didn't get a chance to see it. But... it's already taken me six months to put this up, so don't hold your breath. :)


  1. You are so gorgeous.! I loved the video, so cute!

  2. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! AND you look SO SO SO SO SO HAPPY!!!!!!! What a perfect day. I love you to death Ter, and I am so glad that Weston found you. Or that you found Weston. Either way you two are pretty perfect for each other.

  3. well, I fell in love with those pictures...I went through every single one & pretended I was in the future when I say I remember your wedding like it was yesterday and I'm mad we didn't get a picture of us together, you'll know why :) Loved the dance & loved that YOU agreed to it (you were forced, right?) ...BTW, you've got moves! I'm glad you enjoyed the day so much, that's how I felt at mine too. You of course looked beautiful!!! AND I didn't know Jessica was preg AND I didn't recognize Jason, but when it hit me, I wondered how I didn't recognize him...but seriously he's all manly now haha!
    Tell Weston I'm your coolest friend. ;)

  4. I am SO, SO, SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! I am also equally happy that you posted a slide show of all of your pictures so that I could be like Kami and pretend like I was there. If I didn't have a four month old I would have hopped a plane and been there in two seconds flat...hope you know that. Also, Kami isn't your coolest friend... we all know that I am. She's pretty cool...just not the coolest... sorry, Kam. I love ya and I love that you found Eternal love! You're the best, Ter!

  5. Holy cow! That's a totally storybook wedding! So beautiful! I hope Weston is enjoying your beautiful guitar solos every night. I know I'm sure missing them, and you! Hope things are going as blissful now for you as they were at your wedding!! Being married is so much fun!
